Thursday, August 27, 2009

No clever title today.

Well yeah... i couldn't think of any clever title for this blog. Sorry all you out there with clever title fetishes... and stuff. Well first i just want to talk about Batman Arkham Asylum. I'm having a lot of fun with this game, I'm only about 3% or 4% in the game but I've gotten a good taste of all the games features. I love doing the Riddler challenges and they all vary in difficulty and how you solve them which adds to the fun of the game. The only thing that i don't like is the camera placement, it could have been a bit higher but it works well enough. And just as a side note it has a very Metroid Prime feel from the upgrades, detective mode (scan visor), and mix of combat and puzzles.So all in all I like it so far, I'll post a first impressions later.

Now for a short rant to game developers trying to just cash in on the Wii. Thiswas sparked by the announcement a few weeks ago of Call Of Duty 4 coming to the Wii.Game devs are just trying to make a quick buck off the Wii without even thinking about fans. With CoD4 their just going after all the gamers out there wish they could have been one of those to get the game when it firstcame out. Now that it's been announced they're all rejoicing when really it's a big slap in the face, getting a 2 year old stripped-down port with crappy (at best) graphics. And even if you ignore the brand name and it were just called "Super Shooty Killer Guy Extreme" it'd sell great because it's a shooter alone. Rant over, yay!

Almost completed inFamous, noto the lst district. Not much else, till next time!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Slimming down

Hey! I'm back! So today I'm doing a short sorta filler blog. I just want to ask, is the new PS3 slim seem better or the same as the older models? Me personally, the only selling point on the whole thing is the price. I got my PS3 for $350, so the new Slim 80GB's price of $299 is only a 50 dollar difference for me.

Here are some of the changes made on the slim.

Physical buttons - No On/Off switch in back - Half the size of PS3 - Dull finish - "PS3" engraved in front- $299 ($399 for 160GB)

Compared to the current model.

Touch sensitive buttons - ON/Off in back - Bulkier - Shined/glossy finish - "PLAYSTATION 3" on front - $399 ($499 160GB)

So for me this wasn't really earth shattering, but if some cool thing like bringing back BC to the slim then I'd trade my PS3 and PS2 in for it, maybe. Post your thoughts, and if you plan to get a PS3 tell me so I know to add you!


Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm Batman! Are you?

Why hello. What is this strange thing here? Oh yes a blog, I haven't done an actual one in a while. (I don't consider question answer things blogs) First things first, the Batman Arkham Asylum Demo. I've been having a lot of fun with this demo. It's only about 20 to 30 minutes long but in that time it shows off all the game's best features. The beautiful cut scenes, the combat, and the stealth game play. This game is definitely more than just a simple brawler, a lot more. It's a perfect combination of lots of different game play mechanics that just don't seem to fit together when you think about it, but Batman does it right. I've played the demo nearly 7 times and each combat and stealth experience have been different. I'm convinced that this game is going to be awesome an I've already preordered it.

Speaking of preorders, While I was at it I went for Scribblenauts. No it was not just for the hat... okay yes it was but still this game looks incredibly innovative and fun. Being able to solve a problem almost a thousand different ways is some major replay value, and just the fact you can summon up almost any noun is awesome alone. So yeah this game is looking amazing and I know it's way way way to soon to tell but... do I smell GOTY? :shock: Oh and if you're wondering here is the hat I mentioned above.

Pretty sweet eh!?

In other news, Valkyria Chronicles is plenty of fun. Except the parts where the people talk and talk and talk. Which is almost always, so I have to say that I often get mixed messages of fun, boredom, and aneurysms from the sheer amount of text and dialog in this thing. So If you like turn based strategy with a shooter twist and life threatening stoppages of blood give Valkyria Chronicles a go!

Jeez, long blog! Well if you actually read this whole thing, you deserve a cookie. If you actually read this whole thing without getting an aneurysm, you deserve two cookies. Finally if you have no idea what an aneurysm is look it up! and then take a cookie. Until next time!


Thursday, August 6, 2009

The rest of the questions!

Here's the other 41 questions sorry about the delay.

41. Do you pass on chain letters? - Never

42. What do you do for fun at home? - Answer your many stupid questions.

43. Can you wiggle your ears? - Can you?

44. Why did the chicken cross the road? - Suicide reasons

45. Do you like your voice? - Sure *shrugs*

46. Are you good at receiving/giving compliments? - Yeah

47. Have you ever won a contest? - *sob*

48. What are you using for your messenger avatar/icon? -

49. Can you imitate something/someone well? - Myself

50. What's your favorite amusement park? – The one with the rides.

51. Do you have any REAL autographs (not the cheap ones on posters!) of famous people? - No
52. Do you cry easily? - *sob* *sniff* *sniff*
53. What's something you do at home that you don't do in public? - Act normal
54. What do you think about girlfriends? - Nice

55. What's something you regret doing as a child? - I REGRET NOTHING!!!
56. Have you ever met a gay person? - Yes
57. Where do you think wind comes from? - The wind factory in the sky.
58. Do you like sour cream? - What!?
59. What color are your fingernails? - Are you trying to say something!?
60. Do you like animal crackers? - meow
61. Can you do a split? - I am a male. I think we're done here.

62. What do you smell like? - Me

63. Have you ever done anything stupid at a drive through? - No... seriously ask better questions.

64. Do you like to use song lyrics that relate to you? - Don't know

65. Do you have a problem with odd numbers? - The cheeky bastards

66. What's something you're proud of? - My art

67. Do you think you'd be a cool teacher? - Never

68. What are your pet peeves? - The word Pet Peeve

69. Do you know what the number 69 represents? - This question?...

70. How do you pronounce "caramel"? - caramel

71. If you could be any animal in the world, what would you like to be? - An iguana, why? Because... I don't know!

72. Are you the jealous type? - I hope you die

73. Do you keep a journal/diary? - This blog.

74. Have you ever used Xanga? - ?

75. Do you have a made-up language/alphabet? - No

76. What fingers do you use to type? - My middle ones, want to see them?

77. Is there something you need to have/to do to be able to sleep? - Several trained sheep

78. What day is it tomorrow? - The day after today.

79. What time is it now? - Time to buy a watch! Har har har.

80. Do you believe humans evolved from monkeys? - How bout you ask God?

81. What's your favorite board game? - Chutes and Ladders!!!